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  1. Preventing Heart Disease

    the risk of heart disease is reduced by 50% within just one year. And no matter how long or how much ... cholesterol level, and reduce your risk of diabetes. Meaningful Exercise Many farmers feel they receive plenty ... Screenings High blood pressure and high cholesterol damage the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, people ...

  2. Cover Crops in the Garden

    benefits, results will vary depending on soil type and condition. Starting organic matter levels, tillage ... to introduce cover crops into their garden depending on their skill level and desired management ... level. This fact sheet provides basic, fact-based information that is not readily available to home ...

  3. Global Climate Change: Update 2020

    at between 280 and 300 parts per million (PPM). The data also show that during our present ... episode that is currently ongoing. The duration of these cold periods tends to be between 20 and 40 ... between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. This temperature data is presented in Figure 3. This graph shows that ...

  4. Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot of Soybean

    planting, high incidence of seedling damping-off can result in yield losses greater than 50 percent in ... soils with high clay content. Traditionally, the northwest section of the state has had severe problems ... of P. sojae have been detected in Ohio soils, with as many as 50 from a single field. The tremendous ...

  5. Growing Apples in the Home Orchard

    hole at the level they were originally grown in the nursery. Most Ohio soils, however, are not ... and fruit quality, conduct a soil test every two to three years to determine the appropriate ... growing fruit than planting the trees and harvesting the crop. Growing high-quality apples requires ...

  6. Corn Hybrid Reactions to Gray Leaf Spot In Ohio, 1995-1996

    its relatively high yield in spite of high disease levels. Summary Results of 1995-96 strip tests ... limited. All hybrids currently on the market will develop high levels of GLS when the fungus is present on ... test. This hybrid had disease levels not significantly less than those recorded for the susceptible ...

  7. Enhancing Food (Mast) Production for Woodland Wildlife in Ohio

    found on soils derived from limestone oak, northern red tree medium fall, winter GB, SB, LH, MH, SH, MC ... typically high in fat, carbohydrates and protein. These characteristics make them a food source that is both ... high in energy content and available well into the winter months. For many Ohio wildlife species, hard ...

  8. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2016

    $11.75 $5.50 $35.00 Soil testing / Acre $5.48 $2.83 $8.13 $5.00 $0.75 $10.50 Grid Soil Sampling / Acre ... Land Leveling / Acre $13.50 $5.64 $21.40 $11.50 $4.00 $30.00 Land Leveling / Hour $75.00 $32.72 $117.28 ...             Dry Bulk / Acre $6.25 $4.01 $8.47 $6.00 $1.50 $20.00 Liquid Knife/ Acre $9.25 $6.36 $12.17 $9.00 $3.00 ...

  9. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2010

    Foot of Blade / Hour $6.00 $9.80 $12.50 Soil Testing / Sample $5.60 $9.65 $13.65 Soil Testing / Acre ... survey responses.)   Low Average High Soil Preparation Stalk Chopper / Acre $7.00 $10.10 $13.05 Moldboard ... $2.00 $6.40 $10.80 Grid Soil Sampling / Acre $5.20 $8.10 $11.05 Power Washing / Hour $10.50 $28.75 ...

  10. Effectiveness of Turbodrop® and Turbo Teejet® Nozzles in Drift Reduction

    droplets smaller than 50, 100 and 150 microns. VMD is the most widely used parameter of droplet size. It is ... the volume contains droplets larger than VMD. Typically, a nozzle with a high VMD presents a low risk ... organism. Therefore, small-to-medium size droplets are desirable when applying insecticides and fungicides ...
