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Polston Receives 2024 Food Champion Award
Montgomery County has chosen Erin Polston, program assistant for SNAP-Ed, as a recipient of the prestigious 2024 Food Champion Award. ...
↻ Refresh! Extension Data Portal Monthly Update
Since the Extension Data Portal launched in January, 318 program faculty and staff have completed the training and gained access to the Extension Data Portal (EDP), creating 7,579 events with 283,751 participants across 198 programs. If you haven’t gaine ...
Urban Agriculture Field Specialist Interviews Scheduled
Extension is conducting interviews for the urban agriculture field specialist position. Interviews will be conducted on campus with a Zoom option. We hope you participate as your schedule allows as we seek to identify a faculty member to work across acade ...
Extension Survey to Prepare Next Generation Workforce in Agriculture and Food Systems
Extenion has an important request of anyone who employs workers in the fields of production agriculture, forestry, food and beverage product manufacturing, or other related businesses in input manufacturing or input service. We are seeking employers to pa ...
Making Food at Home To Sell: Virtual Q&A sessions
Join food science experts for a series of virtual Q&A sessions that focus on different topics related to making food at home to sell. Each session will start with a brief informal presentation that will highlight information related to home-based food ...
Chronic Wasting Disease Workshops Scheduled
Hunters, landowners, and wildlife enthusiasts are encouraged to join Extension and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources — Division of Wildlife, for a workshop about chronic wasting disease (CWD) in white-tailed deer. ...
Office of Research Shares Significant Changes
The Office of Research has made changes to its processes that will impact CFAES proposal submissions, EPA-005s, and award acceptance. On July 15, 2024, new deadlines and requirements were put into effect. ...
Vitamin C
stones should avoid high levels of vitamin C. Does Vitamin C Reduce the Risk of Getting a Cold? Although ... vegetables and fruits groups of MyPlate. The following table contains fruits and vegetables with high levels ... of vitamin C. Good Sources of Vitamin C Food Serving Size Milligrams of Vitamin C Guava 1 medium 165 ...
Lime and the Home Lawn
between 6.0 and 7.0. The amount of lime required to raise soil pH to this level for a particular soil is ... performing a soil test are strongly discouraged because alkaline (high pH) conditions may develop. When is ... and pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. For turfgrasses used in Ohio home lawns, a soil pH between 6.0 ...
Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio
Micronutrient Deficiencies May Occur. Micronutrient Soil Crop Boron (B) Sandy soil or highly weathered soil low ... Diagnosing Micronutrient Deficiencies There is a large degree of uncertainty in using soil tests for ... monitoring soil micronutrient levels, as crop micronutrient availability is determined by complex ...