
Search results

  1. 2021 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Awards FABE Graduate Research Award Shyam Sivaprasad (Master's Level) Yang Geng (PhD Level) FABE ... Allison Byrd, Derek Goodman, Trent Meyer, Cam Vaughn Innovation Awards In-Field Biological Soil Health ... Neikirk, Kaylee Rae Presnell OSU WaterHub: Testing EPA Parameters within a Living Learning Lab Megan ...

  2. Meet Jaden Tatum: Engineering a Path to a More Sustainable Future

    because there are huge gaps in yields, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a large proportion of ... attended the University of Arkansas upon graduating from high school. As an undergraduate student, Jaden ... designing and testing a grain drying and storage system for use in developing countries,” Jaden explained. ...

  3. ASM Club Lawn Mower Clinic

    Annual Lawn Mower Clinic!  For  $50, we will service your  walk behind  lawn mower over the course of one ... the low cost of  $50!  Cash or check only please! Credit cards will  NOT  be accepted.   The dates and ... ensure the health and well-being of everyone and minimize any risk for exposure and spread. Follow the ...

  4. Now Hiring!

    Testing Assistant Position Description:  Part of Ohio State’s plans to return to campus operations ... includes mandatory weekly COVID-19 testing for all students at all ranks who live in residence halls or ... university-managed housing, coupled with regular testing of random samples of asymptomatic undergraduates students ...

  5. Winston Receives ASLA Honor Award

    toxins before they enter the storm drain and waterways. “Twenty-one redesigns were tested in triplicate ...

  6. Meet Maria Goshe: Agriculture All The Way

    I primarily scouted fields, collected soil and tissue samples, things like that. That was the internship that ... testing for vomitoxin, and operating track mobiles. Since 2019, Maria has been employed with ...

  7. Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Invasive Pests

    provide a forum in the Wooster community for dialog between the public and scientists about contemporary ...

  8. Czech Theater and Culture Program

    and more to give students a high-impact look into how the Czechs have preserved and united their ...

  9. BeKind Service Project

    in two hours through KIDS AROUND THE WORLD: a crazy-fun, high-energy, high impact feed-the-funnel ...

  10. FABE Students Serve Columbus Community, Address Food Insecurity through Coursework

    to be doing,’” said Penn-Nabrit. “He was comfortable engaging on a peer level.”  Partnership lies at ... calls it between neighborhood kids and Ohio State engineering students has filled a community need. When ... possible.”    by Chip Tuson Funding and other support for FABENG 3200S provided by Franklin County Soil and ...
