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Managing Your Aches and Pains in the Winter
may not have an impact on your arthritis pain, but there may be “a connection between weather and ... your day to alternate between difficult and easier tasks, do the most strenuous tasks early, when you ...
When Science Isn't Enough: Communicating in a Complex World
regulations and acceptance of agricultural innovations. Come learn about the tension between science and ...
Ag Attorney Sheds Light on Manure Handling, Application Regulations
ODA’s manure application requirements and a current manure nutrient test, as well as follow other ... farmers may be surprised to learn that soil and water conservation districts provide technical expertise ...
Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series
agricultural commodity markets and the risk associated with marketing options for corn, soybeans, and wheat. ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops
OAP is to offer resources and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of injury and ...
‘Tis the Season for Funnel Clouds
200 miles per hour and with paths of destruction more than one mile wide and 50 miles long. Know the ...
2018 Small Grains Field Day
choose between one of two afternoon sessions. Session A will focus on wheat variety development, current ...
Wildlife Habitat Workshop
Questions: Contact Shelby Soil & Water, 937-492-6520 ext. 3 or Jason Jones, Pheasants Forever, ...
Farm Machinery Roadway Laws
law states that vehicles are not allowed to exceed 102 inches in width, 50 feet in length, or thirteen ...
March 2016 Highlights
served as a judge at the Central District Science Day which is an event where high school students from ...