
Search results

  1. OSUE Annual Conference

    relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ...

  2. Victoria Chen wins Emerging Service-Learning and Emerging Community Engagement Awards

    “ Sustainable Futures for Linden Village ” project is a partnership between OSU faculty in the Colleges of ...

  3. SWE Region G Conference

    registration fee is $50 and includes all weekend activities located on campus. There is an additional option of ...

  4. Add Safety to your Program!

    as an ideal conduit between businesses and community organizations interested in the health and ...

  5. National Fire Prevention Week

    Don’t have at least 1 detector on each level of your home or apartment? Then INSTALL smoke detectors ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Volunteer & Teen Conference

    Volunteer Conferenc at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, 400 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio and then ...

  7. 4-H: Preparing Youth for a Brighter Future

    program, I highly invite you to continue reading this article about a program that has a long history that ... motivation and aspirations for the future education more civic active report better grades and higher levels ...

  8. 4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic

    individuals only, NO TEAMS. All levels of experience are welcome.   Primary Contact: Dr. Kimberly Cole Animal ...

  9. Lighting Solutions for the Dark Days of Winter

    He had a severely restricted field of vision, he couldn’t tell the difference between similar colors, ...

  10. 2011 Grad News

    a plaque and $800 for each recipient, recognizes high achievement in research and service to the ... publication, Relationship between Yearly Fluctuations in Fusarium Head Blight Intensity and Environmental ...
