
Search results

  1. Global Food Security Index

    Learn some of the challenges of being a Food Engineer: The Global Food Security Index, developed ...

  2. 2021 County Outlook Meetings

    social implications of food waste; the implications of the COVID pandemic on household-level food waste; ...

  3. Feng-An Yang Awarded Bernie Erven Teaching Award

    topics as well as the superb level of support offered by Feng-An. Feng-An’s nominators wrote “Overall, he ... econometrics and quantitative methods is in and of itself a testament to the high quality of instruction and ...

  4. Price vs. Revenue Farm Safety Net

    correlation between changes in price and changes in yield. The examination finds that converting to a revenue ... based farm safety net likely will likely increase the effective risk management provided by the farm ...

  5. 2020 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    Jacquelyn Blanchard (Master's Level) Asmita Khanal (PhD Level) FABE Graduate Teaching Award Owen Meehl ...

  6. Ohio Perspectives-Maps

    than 50,000 residents. All of these decisions have drawbacks, but our overall approach is consistent ... residents); 25 miles from the edge of urbanized areas with a population between 500,000 and one million ... one million; 12.5 miles for urbanized areas of between 500,000 and one million people; and 7.5 miles ...

  7. Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference

    policies to combat high food prices.” In noting the “world’s connectedness, yet high levels of income ... reflected on the growing biofuels market and the strong connection between food and fuel prices. He also ... consideration each country’s unique level of development?” The panel discussion followed a keynote address by ...

  8. Q&A with Dr. Carin A. Helfer

    focused on science education outreach to middle and high school students and as a Research Scientist in ... specifically on polymer characterization to understand the relationship between molecular structure and ... choices in high school, before choosing Chemical Engineering, which were in the medical professions.   3. ...

  9. Do Practice Rounds Bias Experimental Auction Results?

    experimental auction studies, we find a strong positive correlation between bids submitted in practice rounds ... conduct a new auction to test which, if any, of these effects is responsible for the positive correlation ... between practice and real bids. We find no evidence of a spendthrift effect. We do find evidence of ...

  10. AEDE at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations

    An Economic Post Mortem.   “A Heterogeneous Agent Model of Credit-Linked Index Insurance and Farm ... and OSU AEDE alumna, was presented at a session on Index Insurance in Developing Countries. ...
