
Search results

  1. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC)

    Quantifying Soil Health, Soybean School, Conducting On-Farm Research, Transition to No-Till, and Conservation ...

  2. Dial Gauge Canner Testing and Canning Information

    Extension Educator will be available to test your dial gauge canner at no charge, answer questions about ...

  3. Lamb MQP, Finished Lamb Weigh-in

    the Fairgrounds with their MQP lamb and a completed and properly signed DUNF form between 12:30 and ...

  4. April 2017 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Monica Giusti who has been granted a new patent with shared IP between Ohio State and MARS ...

  5. ServSafe Level 2 Exam- CANCELLED

    Please call OSU Extension, Hardin County for more information. ...

  6. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    take the virus from the human carrier and pass it on through its bite to other humans. Thus, the risk ... several weeks, but factors such as rain, high temperatures or exposure to strong sunlight may reduce their ...

  7. ServSafe Level 2 Exam- CANCELLED

    Please call OSU Extension, Hardin County for more information. ...

  8. Nature Workshop

    Teaming with Insects: Level 1 Professional(s):   Mark Badertscher, Patty Cribley,  and John Mueller RSVP ...

  9. Spotted Wing Drosophila Remains a Concern for Area Fruit Growers

    test on healthy berries every 5-7 days to determine if they have an infestation. If adults or larvae of ... Below is a brief video explaining the Salt Water Test for SWD Larvae in Fruit ...

  10. March 2016 Highlights

    served as a judge at the Central District Science Day which is an event where high school students from ...
