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Autumn Discovery Day
time to do that, Snyder said. While the top of a plant may have started going dormant, the soil is ...
2014 Howard Wyman Sheep Industry Leadership School
attend the 2014 Howard Wyman Sheep Industry Leadership School. Contact Roger A. High at ...
Dr. Jack Judy Memorial Scholarship
scholarship program will make a contribution to the sheep industry in Ohio” said Roger A. High, OSIA Executive ... Foundation, 280 N. High St., P.O. Box 182383, Columbus, OH 43218 ...
Tools for Measuring Sustainability- Professional Development Workshop
efforts. The workshop is designed to facilitate collaboration between sustainability professionals. Our ...
Meat Judging Recognition
[page under development] High Team at National Contest 1932 link to Lantern article: November 30, ... Takes Fourth Place" High Individual at National Contest 1947 George Wilson link to Lantern article: ...
Student Travel Fellowship Program
Congress travel fellowships each year to senior-level undergraduates and graduate students currently ...
Request Graduate Info
Undergraduate Institution Graduate Institution if applicable GPA Test Scores: GRE Verbal GRE Quantitative GRE ... Analytical TOEFL Comments/Questions CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and ...
Growing season: OARDC's organic farming program gets a shot in the arm
of Food and Agriculture funds the project. Topics also included studies on soil-building cover crops, ...
Career Advancement Opportunities
feed mills, consultants, etc. This person can expect to be out around 50% of nights with the amount of ...
Innovation Seminar Series
health, synthetic biology and the production of high-value chemistry from sustainable resources. He has ...