
Search results

  1. Blazin' Saddles- This is not just a 4-H Club…This is a 4-H family!

    been awarded on the State and County level for their work and dedication to the 4-H program as well. In ...

  2. Home

    The OSU Extension Operations Team serves as an interface between OSU Extension and the central ...

  3. ASM Capstone

    202 From: Britt, Anastasia Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:50 PM To: Fowler, Jim < ...

  4. ASM Capstone

    219 From: Britt, Anastasia Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:50 PM To: Fowler, Jim < ...

  5. DLS Helps to DIY

    a chore, for their birthday, or another reason, teach them to split their money between each jar.  You can ... between a “want” and a “need” when it is explained to them.  Also, children will learn the value of their ...

  6. Chimney Fires Can Be Prevented

    in a wood-burning fireplace, sparks could escape between the fissures and set fire to your house.  If ... cleaning.  Some contractors may even have high-tech equipment, such as camera systems, to get in every nook ... and cranny of the unit; or, they may perform a smoke test (closing off the openings and filling the ...

  7. Jeff King, Ph.D.

    Administration Building 614-247-5034 Dr. Jeff King is a nationally known and highly respected ... high-energy, content driven, experiential workshops that enhance personal, professional, and organizational ...

  8. New Online Certificate Program

    level certificate program provides an overview of food components and nutrition, food manufacturing, and ...

  9. Advanced CIP

    This two-day short course will bring together highly recognized CIP experts including plant ... a partial refund. There is a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations after October ...

  10. Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training Program

    required by September 30, 2017 if you apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production ... are included in this law. Direct Supervision -  You may apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres without ... distinction between commercial and private fertilizer applicators.  There are procedural differences for ...
