
Search results

  1. Submitting Insect Specimens for Identification

    possible, and a high-quality submitted sample helps facilitate accurate identification and analysis. Please ... difficult. Carefully place the butterfly or moth between loose layers of tissue or cotton in a sealable ... antennae, legs, and wings. Never place the sample between two layers of tape because the microscope cannot ...

  2. Dr. David Mackey

    led me to study of the interaction between plants and pathogenetic microbes – which I’ve been ...

  3. Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans

    Engenia, FeXapan (plus glyphosate) Apply by early June and prior to R1 stage Risk of off-target movement; ...

  4. Mummy Berry of Blueberry

    effective. Mummies that are disturbed or covered with soil at this time remain dormant or do not produce ... spores. Cultivating between rows and raking under plants to disturb or cover mummies should be done as ...

  5. Converting Biogas to Transportation Fuels

    cascade storage system typically consists of three reservoirs with low, medium and high pressure, ... a multi-stage compressor and a high-pressure storage system [2]. There are two commonly used storage systems: ... respectively; accordingly, CNG is filled to on-board cylinders via three steps from low pressure to high ...

  6. Emmanuel Appiah

    2026 Research Focus: My research work is about how heat, drought, and soil texture affect biological ...

  7. Phosphorus (P) Nutrient Use in Ohio

    percent of Ohio counties had decreasing trends in mean soil test P (STP) levels between 1993 and 2015. ... a large degree for given soil test P (STP) values and crop production levels. In instances with the same ... reduced median soil test P (STP) levels across most Ohio counties from 1995 to 2015 supports this finding ...

  8. Dr. Ram Yadav

    Dr. Ram Yadav Assistant Professor- Specialty Crop Weed Science 40% Research | 10% Teaching | 50 ... priorities, and help update the Midwestern fruits and vegetable production guides. I also plan on testing new ...

  9. Hydrothermal Carbonization: Upgrading Waste Biomass to Char

    [1,2]. The major advantage of HTC over other high temperature thermochemical conversion techniques such ... animal wastes, are suitable for HTC (Figure 1) [3]. Water acts as a good medium for heat transfer in HTC, ... liberation of CO 2), and aromatization (formation of aromatic compounds). These reactions occur under high ...

  10. Soil Acidification: How to Lower Soil pH

    (soil pH is lower than desired) should be limed to neutralize soil pH to the desired soil pH level ... the soil pH has been acidified to the desired level, the soil pH should remain low for a fairly long ... soil conditions to thrive. Throughout Ohio and many other parts of the Midwest surface soils are ...
