
Search results

  1. Blueberries

    Many of them are between 1 to 5 acres.  Due to high costs of labor, most of the blueberry farms in Ohio ... soil, good drainage, and an even supply of water.  It is important to do a soil test to determine soil ... pH, lime index, organic matter content and nutrient values.  Dr. Gao can help you review your soil ...

  2. Dr. Logan Minter

    graduated from Piketon High School I completed the following credentials:  University of Kentucky, ...

  3. Soil for Food! Data, technologies, and collaborations that build healthy soils and enhance human nutrition

    approaches are also designed to improve soil health and adaptive management at the farm level, as well as ... Program Overview Soil health decline is driving many of the most persistent food nutrition, ... access, and security issues for communities across the globe. World Soil Day 2022 (#WorldSoilDay) and its ...

  4. dg_test

    9:50-11:45a.m. The remainder of this program is worth 2 CEU and PDH hours. This two-hour session will explore ... modeling.  9:50 a.m.  Melissa Menerey, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and board president, WMAO, and ... stormwater specialist, City of Toledo and David Reutter, urban conservation specialist, Franklin Soil and ...

  5. Former AEDE Doctoral Student and Current Associate Professor, Dr. Khushbu Mishra was Awarded the Stetson University's Hand Award

    her career, she has published ten journal articles in highly ranked journals, given invited talks at ... many academic and non-academic settings, and reviewed articles for highly accredited journals. ...

  6. Raspberries

    well-drained loamy soils with high organic matter content.  Brambles grow best at a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.  ... Growers should do a soil test and amend the soils to the right level according to soil test report before ... dark fruit has good flavor and is small- to medium-sized. Yields are very high. Do not machine ...

  7. Gary Gao, Ph.D.

    Centers. He conducts research trials on high value fruit crops. He also designs and delivers Extension ...

  8. High School Internships

      The Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), under Development, partners with area high ... a desire to gain real-world manufacturing experience. The Ohio MEP High School Internship Program assists ... reimburse 50 percent of student wages, up to a maximum of $1,500 per student. General Guidelines Regional ...

  9. New policy brief examines how immigration affects Ohio and the U.S. workforce

    considered.  “Ohio’s immigrant population is more educated and more likely to work in high-skill sectors and ...

  10. Researchers model spatial and temporal consequences of increased woody biomass use on the global forest ecosystem

    substantially across the globe, with medium price scenarios leading to 500 million to 700 million new hectares ... regions under different bioenergy demand scenarios, including a no-bioenergy demand scenario, to isolate ... forest carbon rental and carbon penalty scenarios. RCP 8.5 = very weak climate change policy; RCP 1.9 ...
