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  1. Alma Anzalone

    become a peer mentor to help students navigate the transition from high school to college.  ...

  2. Court bans spray used on soybean, cotton crops

    I was driving to work last week and noticed that there were a high number of skunks that had ... soil-applied preemergence residual will be critical for Xtend beans planted in fields where you suspect ...

  3. Preparing Lambs, Kids For The Weaning Process

    out to lush pasture after weaning. Spring forage is high in protein, water and other nutrients which ...

  4. Indulge Apple Cravings Using A Variety of Apple Recipes

    Delicious apples that came from my junior high school’s vending machine. For just a quarter, I had a tasty, ... medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Serve hot. Refrigerate leftovers within two hours. Note: To ... (about 6 medium apples) ½ cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon ½ tablespoon maple syrup ½ cup ...

  5. 2023 CFAES Teaching & Learning Symposium

    In-Person Classroom   (Student Engagement within the Teaching and Learning Exchange) 1:50 p.m. Mid-Afternoon ... about their performance relative to predetermined standards (evaluation), course-level assessment ... strategies, program-level assessment planning, and related approaches and strategies (e.g., successful ...

  6. Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks

    breath.  Methane poses a threat because it is lighter than air and is explosive at levels of 50,000 ppm and ... paralyzed.  Low concentrations will cause dizziness, headache, nausea and respiratory tract irritation.  High ... million (ppm).  At this concentration, death is quick, within minutes.  Ammonia has a characteristic ...

  7. Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks

    breath.  Methane poses a threat because it is lighter than air and is explosive at levels of 50,000 ppm and ... paralyzed.  Low concentrations will cause dizziness, headache, nausea and respiratory tract irritation.  High ... million (ppm).  At this concentration, death is quick, within minutes.  Ammonia has a characteristic ...

  8. Conner M. Johnson

    with various fungi, collecting innumerable soil samples, and running experiments in the field and greenhouse to ... Lal’s Soil Physics Lab focuses on changes in soil carbon and water-related soil properties relative to ... I learned a whole lot about soil and climate change, and it sharpened my interest in soil health. Working in ...

  9. Corinne K. Lee

    Senior Award Recipient Reception Poster (.pdf)  Membership in the Crops and Soils Club at Ohio State ... involvement with the Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES)—the  undergraduate ... program of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of ...

  10. Warm Season Annual Grasses

    generally result when soil pH is above 6.0, soil phosphorus is at 15 ppm Bray P1 (28 ppm Mehlich 3), soil ... 48 inches or seed heads begin to emerge, expect single digit CP values coupled with 50% TDN levels ... season annual grasses offer an alternative to provide some high quality, good yielding forage in those ...
