
Search results

  1. Come to the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair!

    about soil and the environment with displays on soil profiles, and stream testing.  Check out the NRCS ... a cool 4-H robotics demonstration. There will be canner testing to ensure your canning equipment will ... rd  -  Have fun with Butler County Soil and Water Conservation District Day at the Farm Zone.  Learn ...

  2. DIY Trailblazer Adventure

    trail you want to explore between July 18th and Aug 5th.  Send in the photos of your adventure to be ... Walton Park?  Join the Trailblazer Adventure and test your knowledge  about concrete houses, eagles ...

  3. Sarah D. (Ellis) Williams

    Phytopathology 98:S50. Ellis, S.D., Bennett, P.J., and Boehm, M.J. 2010. Sick Plants and a Hungry World: An ... Introduction to Plant Diseases”. (Available online at: ... Ellis, S.D., Boehm, M.J., Chatfield, J., Boggs, J., and Draper, E.  2008.  OSU Extension ...

  4. The Importance of Time Management and Organization in Leadership online

    leaders at all levels need to keep things organized and on time to be proactive and to develop a vision ...

  5. Agronomic Crops Resources

    Crop Progress and Condition Report from Ohio Agricultural Statistics- ... Fertility Information, Testing and Technology, and Cover Crops Information ...

  6. Restoring Streams and Wetlands- Final EPN Breakfast

    trainings, and collaborations among and between professional ecologists and engineers to create sustainable ...

  7. 2006

    Arthropod Management Tests. ( Win, J., Kanneganti, T., Torto-Alalibo, T., ... pathogen. PLoS Pathogens 2: e50 Birch, P., Rehmany, A., Pritchard, L., Kamoun, S., and Beynon, J. 2006. ... 2006. Non-target effects of entomopathogenic nematodes on the soil microbial community and processes. ...

  8. Felipe Dalla Lana da Silva

    to April 2009 Languages Portuguese- Native speaker English- Fluent Spanish- Medium level in speaking, ... Meta-analysis of the relationship between crop yield and soybean rust severity. Phytopathology, 105:307-315. ... Presentations Dalla Lana, Felipe. 2019. Corn ear diseases: risk and Management. Invited Seminar, March 25, 2019. ...

  9. Water Treatment for Plant Health and Food Safety

    well as a new FDA law, are being implemented in order to reduce the risk of contamination of fresh ... OSU Extension plant pathologists worked directly with vegetable growers in Ohio to test and determine ... the levels of contamination of surface irrigation water sources by human and plant pathogens, and the ...

  10. Managing Multiple Generations online

    generational differences, it has a huge impact on many levels. From lower performance to higher turnover rates ...
