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  1. Sours, Tatum collect 2024 ASABE awards

    excelled and demonstrated leadership on the local, national and /or international levels as shown by their ... activities and offices held at each level. The candidate who receives this award should also have expressed ...

  2. Martin receives Odum Award from AEES

    stakeholder groups to investigate connections between downstream water quality and management practices in ...

  3. Graduate program ranks eighth for second-straight year

    exceptional work of our talented graduate students and the high caliber of our graduate programs,” said ...

  4. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    growth, knowing there will always be a gap between who I am and who I want to be, and I can do something ... to close that gap.” “It’s easier to talk about integrity than to live it. The true test is my ...


    Crops and Soils Club. Timothy took advantage of field trips where members learned about agriculture ... | Crops and Soils Club, SASES planning committee | Grove City Church of the Nazarene | Dean’s List ...

  6. It's Patio Grilling Season, And Here Are Tips To Ward Off The Germs

    Germs are everywhere, in the air, soil, and water, and they grow faster during the summer because it’s ... cooking site.  Then if the food sits out after being cooked, the risk continues to increase.  Here are ...

  7. Capstone students contribute to space research

    guided the project members to reduce biofilm growth by testing a variety of materials with antimicrobial ... Pathology to revise their testing methods, leading to the design and 3D printing of an apparatus to test how ... oxygen sensors need to be developed and tested thoroughly to ensure that astronauts are eating healthy, ...

  8. Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering

    Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, with priority based on concentration of study in Bioevironmental, Soil ... Income provides scholarships for qualified and deserving Ohio high school students desiring to study ... receives the highest grade in the design course in soil and water conservation engineering. Ted and Karen ...

  9. 99 years of science and learning on Ohio’s Gibraltar

    of other water quality testing on the lake. A tour of the South Bass Island Research Facility, ... trawl, plankton tow, and a demonstration of other water quality testing on the lake. A tour of the South ...


    member educator, alumni relations chair, and risk manager. She believes this sorority has taught her ...
