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  1. (Speaker Series) Contemporary Differences in U.S. Farm Financial Performance by Race: Does Farm Size Matter?

    published in high-impact, applied economic and interdisciplinary journals such as  The American Journal of ...

  2. Workshop: Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone

    what they have learned using real-life scenarios.  Learning Outcomes: After participating in this ...

  3. Capstone students contribute to space research

    guided the project members to reduce biofilm growth by testing a variety of materials with antimicrobial ... Pathology to revise their testing methods, leading to the design and 3D printing of an apparatus to test how ... oxygen sensors need to be developed and tested thoroughly to ensure that astronauts are eating healthy, ...

  4. CIT Training

    typically serve as a CIT for 2 years.  As a sophomore in high school, youth will be able to apply for ...

  5. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    standing, splashes manure on the udder, and elevates stress hormones. These changes increase risk of ... is 150 cows or less. Automated milking dairy farms with all cows in same pen will observe more social ... outside airflow can create a micro-environment in pens that initiate cow bunching. High stocking density ...

  6. Hardness as CaCO3

    exceeding 120 ppm should be considered for treatment.  150-600 higher range values in northwestern Ohio ... GENERAL INFORMATION Hardness does not pose a health risk to humans. In fact, calcium and magnesium ... your diet. Hard water classifications: soft 0- 17.1 parts per million (ppm) slightly hard 17.1- 60 ppm ...

  7. Feeding High Ash Forages

    greatest potential risk of high ash forages is ruminal or abomasal impaction. The soil particles that the ... concentrations decrease as plants mature and is greater in forages grown in soils that contain high ... magnesium should be fed in that situation. High potassium forages also increases the risk of milk fever when ...

  8. Eric Richer

    appointment, I provide leadership on key farm management, risk management, and value-added enterprise analysis ... I help farmers stay informed of risk management strategies through crop insurance education and Farm Bill ...

  9. Food Preservation Webinar Series

    canner testing appointment, please click this link.  ...

  10. weGrill Lucas County

    cooking spray and foil. Directions: 1. Heat grill to medium to medium high heat. 2. Cut romaine heart in ... taste. Other items include cooking spray and foil. Directions: 1. Heat grill to medium high heat. 2. ... medium low heat until honey is runny. 2. Preheat grill to medium heat. 3. Cut both ends off the pineapple ...
