
Search results

  1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

    GENERAL INFORMATION Well water that effervesces may contain high levels of carbon dioxide in the ... water (carbonated water). Carbonic acid is a weak acid. The primary effects of high levels of carbon ... effect is considered negligible. mg/L ppm Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Dissolved gas ACTION IS OPTIONAL Carbon ...

  2. FABE Lecturers participate in inaugural Buckeye Precollege Institutes

    courses taught by Ohio State faculty and staff. “The Buckeye Precollege Summer Institutes will enable high ... college-level academic skills and engage with thought-provoking, real-world challenges that can impact our ...

  3. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as N)

    is bound up in compounds with carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.  TKN is high in septic waste and manure.  ... Total nitrogen is equal to TKN plus nitrate and nitrite. mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION IS OPTIONAL Total ... Kjeldahl Nitrogen levels were detected in your water sample. There is no health-based standard for Total ...

  4. FABE Post-Doctoral Scholar Places First in the 2023 CFAES Research Forum and Poster Competition

    levels in the college, including undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and ... applications. To address this issue, a new type of valve called an air-piloted PWM pinch valve was tested. This ... components, which prevents the pesticides from causing malfunctions. Tests were conducted to compare the ...

  5. Learn About the Dangers of Lead Paint

    exposure is at high enough levels. According to  Groundwork Ohio's Building the Way Healthier Future ... about lead assessments or testing for your child.  Currently the  American Academy of Pediatrics  recommends a risk ... 4, 5 and 6 years of age. The recommendation is to do a risk assessment,  and do a blood lead level ...

  6. Grant feeds effort to convert food waste into valuable products

    industrial food processing companies, which often incur high disposal costs. The team aims to develop a waste ... foster partnerships between industry and universities for the mutual benefit of both parties and the ...

  7. Master Gardener Volunteers

    information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at ... an eight-week class, and complete 50 hours of volunteer activity. ...

  8. Sarah McNulty

    a high-protein animal feed product from the fermentation of methane by methylotrophic bacteria in a bioreactor. ...

  9. Copper

    level (AL). MCLG's are non-enforceable goals based on the possible risk and exposure over ... action level over a relatively short amount of time could experience gastrointestinal distress. Some ... people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could suffer liver ...

  10. Education Abroad: Panama, Dec. 2023 ...
