
Search results

  1. Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”

    long-term in that energy cycles are highly volatile and to plan for not only the boom but also for the ...

  2. AEDE Alums Robert M. McClelland, Dr. Rodrigo A. Chaves and Joseph A. Shultz to be Honored by the CFAES Alumni Society

    high growth entrepreneurial start-up and management acumen, McClelland is recognized as one of ...

  3. Ohio State’s Newest Major: Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS), Kicks Off the Semester – Hear from Two Students Why They Chose to Study Sustainability at Ohio State

    community development, or international development. EEDS is a joint major between the School of Environment ...

  4. AEDE’s Strong Presence at the 59th Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC)

    Development: Location and Agglomeration.  Wendong Zhang will present “ Tests of the Urban Economic Model Using ...

  5. soils workshop

    200 (Wooster) Steve Culman Wednesday, February 22, 2017- 8:30am to 3:30pm ...

  6. FAQ

    campus on High Street German Village – A unique neighborhood listed on the National Register of Historic ...

  7. Soil Drainage Research Unit Staff Meeting

    219 Tuesday, November 15, 2016- 9:00am to 12:00pm ...

  8. SENR- Soil Health Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Stefanie Richardson.972 Monday, November 14, 2016- 8:15am to 1:00pm ...

  9. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    micro-scale interactions between policy and individual decisions impact aggregate outcomes. Dr. Wrenn is ...

  10. Topics of Study

    testing, and fingerprinting Electronic filing requirements and handling client refusal Circular 230 changes ...
