
Search results

  1. Private Pesticide Applicator Testing

    an existing Ohio Private Applicator license, the Ohio Department of Agriculture will be testing on ... pre-test study session in the late morning of the 10 th. Contact Mike Estadt at 740-474-7534 for details on ... instructions to download study materials. Participants must pre-register to take the test by visiting the Ohio ...

  2. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) Healthy Soils for Healthy Water, Regenerative Ag, Building Soil Health, Corn University, Manure ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC) Healthy Soils for Healthy Water, Regenerative Ag, Building Soil Health, Corn University, Manure ...

  4. New Ohio State center focuses on improving food safety, preventing foodborne illness

    risk-based food safety system that prevents foodborne illnesses and protects public health by translating ... level,” said Sheryl Barringer, department chair. “I enthusiastically support the establishment of the ...

  5. Ag Council Breakfast

    Program is 'Soil Temperatures & Growing Degree Days'  ...

  6. Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses

    fear the tomato. “A poison apple,” they called it. In truth, the tomato’s high acidity had caused lead ... alarming 40 percent goes uneaten annually in this country, with consumer-level waste accounting for the ...

  7. October 2017 Highlights

    S, Martin, J, Lee, J. 2017. Cyanotoxin from Irrigation Water Accumulates in Fresh Produce and Soil ... C, Zhang, F, Chaffin, J, Lee, J, Ludsin, S, Martin, J. 2017. Microcystin in Lake Erie fish: Risk to ...

  8. What’s the buzz: Caffeine has its good and bad aspects

    a need for more caffeine to achieve the same level of energy. While there are physical withdrawal ... antioxidants, while soda and energy drinks tend to have a high amount of sugar. She sees caffeine pills as ... levels, like getting enough water and food throughout the day. Exercising can help boost energy levels and ...

  9. Tractor Safety & Machinery Operation for Youth-Session 1

    Overview of agriculture, types of risks, and regulations related to agricultural safety and health ...

  10. October 2016 Highlights

    protein designed for high protein food; Dr. Yael Vodovotz – (1) New Assessment of PHA or PHBV high ...
