
Search results

  1. Gardening with Physical Limitations Part 4: Canning and Preservation

    Everyone Can Garden!  Participants are welcome to attend one or more session between March and August. We ...

  2. National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning (virtual) – May 3 and 4

    diversity, cultural inclusion, and acceptance. It offers a multi-leveled examination of "diversity" ...

  3. Thoughts from the Director

    the grey and sometimes fuzzy space in between. Unfortunately, we are still very much in a fluid and ...

  4. Extension Readiness for Return-to-Offices Survey

    about your level of readiness to return to work. You should have received a personalized link to ...

  5. Thoughts from the Director

    national and state-level meetings about how Extension can assist with immunization education and address ... ideas with me. Our organization has so many strengths, champions, and highly proficient and dedicated ...

  6. OSU Extension Keys Update

    (75%) participated in the poll expressing their level of agreement with the keys and the behavior ...

  7. 2021 Victory Gardens Program

    Victory Gardens program. Due to high demand, the program has expanded to include 25 counties, up from 10 ...

  8. Meet Justin Haerr: Future Ohio Farmer

    up until he graduated from high school. Justin has always had quite the arm for pitching, even ... throwing a no hitter during his freshman year of high school! He was recruited to play collegiate baseball ... grew up in West Central Ohio between Champaign and Clarke counties. A partner with his dad and grandpa, ...

  9. Introduction to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – March 3 Webinar

    What is diversity and why is it important? What is the difference between equality and equity? ...

  10. Levy County Success at the Polls

    are they with our work? Do they even make the connection between the programs that we do and our ...
