
Search results

  1. Bramble, Blueberry and Winegrape Field Night

    open field and high tunnel bramble production systems.  This is also a good opportunity to check out ...

  2. OARDC Technology Spins Off Into New Company

    bursal disease virus, which is a highly contagious immunosuppressive disease affecting poultry worldwide. ... high-paying jobs in our region." The company is using molecular biology methods to develop ...

  3. Harker receives 2016 Outstanding Staff Awards from the Ohio State University and the OSU College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

    hop high trellis system, moveable greenhouse or high tunnels (which have now been adopted by the ...

  4. Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!

    levels have revealed a lot of trash and debris. OSU’s Ecological Engineering Society and the Friends of ...

  5. Construction Management Competition Teams

    competitions are for students at all levels of familiarity in construction management, with some competitions ...

  6. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    Engagement Award: Ohio Books for the World Nearly 50 years ago, Herb Ockerman was on an academic trip to ... research projects have been funded and are building bridges between scientists from Ohio State consortium ...

  7. Introduction to Planting and Growing Hops in Ohio

    IPM Strategies- Dr. Lily Calderwood, Dr. Heather Darby, and the Northwest Crops and Soils Team Weed ...

  8. Local Foods Tour Series- Berry Family Farm

    turkeys (seasonal) and a limited supply of lamb. New ventures include a high tunnel for vegetable ...

  9. Local Foods Tour Series- Bremen Produce Auction

    eggs, turkeys (seasonal) and a limited supply of lamb. New ventures include a high tunnel for vegetable ...

  10. New Equipment Testing

    219 Thursday, September 12, 2019- 9:00am to 10:00am ...
