
Search results

  1. Construction Management Competition Teams

    competitions are for students at all levels of familiarity in construction management, with some competitions ...

  2. Kick – Off Event with OSU EES and FLOW!

    levels have revealed a lot of trash and debris. OSU’s Ecological Engineering Society and the Friends of ...

  3. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    Engagement Award: Ohio Books for the World Nearly 50 years ago, Herb Ockerman was on an academic trip to ... research projects have been funded and are building bridges between scientists from Ohio State consortium ...

  4. Aquaculture Boot Camp-2 recruits 2018 students for free

    experience to successfully operate an aquaculture or aquaponics farm. We will accept highly motivated new ...

  5. Overview of Aquaculture Extension’s last 5 months

    members, Boy Scouts, middle schools, high schools, and other organizations is proving highly beneficial for ...

  6. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series

    goal has been to determine the yield limiting factors that prevent producers from achieving high ...

  7. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! 2016 County Wide Recycling Project

    determined by the total weight divided by the number of members in the club. 1st Place: $50 2nd Place: $40 ...

  8. 4-H Shooting Sports Members Call Out the Sheriff’s Department

    paint to cover targets between shooters. When it was time for the Sheriff’s Department to compete, ...

  9. AGSYSMT 4580- Precision Agriculture

    Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...

  10. State Food Policy Summit May 27

    activities and possibilities at the state level.   Speakers will include representatives from the Ohio ...
