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Microwave Method to Determine Forage Moisture Content
from electronic conductance moisture testers, especially for high moisture sample like silage and ... igniting. Place the sample on the plate in the center of the oven. Set the oven on HIGH for 2 minutes and ... the cup to prevent the water from boiling over. Set the oven on HIGH for 45 seconds to 1 minute and ...
Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!
and test their tractors; and- Develop time management and multi-tasking skills as they balance their ...
Make Plans for Fall Weed Control
uniformly mix the upper few inches of soil to uproot existing plants and bury any new seed. Scout in spring ...
Food Waste
estimated to range between 30-40 percent of the food supply. That translates to approximately 133 billion ...
Quality and Innovation Management Course
with hands-on lab sessions where attendees can test and evaluate their own company's products. ...
Beef Cow Size and Profitability
bodyweight. In his article, Hersom says that feed requirements account for 50 to 75 % of the annual ...
Freezing Basics
style pressure canners need to be tested on a yearly basis. I can do that in our office by appointment ...
product development with highly skilled personnel, fully equipped pilot plants, and teaching facilities. ...
4-H Kicks Off New Year
planned for 4-H at the county level in 2016. In addition to updates from Wayne County 4-H staff, state ...
The Importance of Tradition
may look a little different over time, and that’s okay. High expectations for traditions can create ...