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  1. ACEL students, faculty participate in AZP experience in DC

    between food, agriculture, and the environment.  While in DC, AZP members had the opportunity to connect ...

  2. My Account ...

  3. Disease Prevention: Making the Most of Your Spring (and every day) Cleaning Practices

    heavily soiled areas; however, these should be used with caution. Some pathogens, like Salmonella, can be ... form biofilms within 48 hours. Currently, very few disinfectants have been tested to determine their ... a disinfectant has been tested against in the lab and found effective. Double check to make sure the ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    50%. The cost of NE L is about 55% lower than the 5-year average ($0.09/MCal). However, the cost of ... primarily energy to the ration. To estimate profitability at these nutrient prices, the Cow-Jones Index was ...

  5. Lee Wilson

    formal staff representative to the faculty for our campus, I serve as the primary liaison between staff ...

  6. Taylor Klass

    2017- May 2018  Experience Ohio State for a Day (EOFD) Student Coordinator, Columbus, OH Co-organized highly ...

  7. Horacio Lopez-Nicora

    communities shift with plant parasitic nematode abundance in soils.  agriRxiv. CABI International agriRxiv. ... 2018. Cropping practices and soil properties associated with plant-parasitic nematodes in corn fields in ... Fulbright Scholarship, University of Illinois, 2007-2009 Graduated with high honors, National University of ...

  8. Visit Us

    Environmental Sciences. For high school juniors, seniors and transfer students Meet with staff from the ... 4-H Conference Leipsic High School College & Ag Careers Fair Ohio FFA Convention Summer events: ...

  9. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    adding moisture to the soil that can enhance crop germination and emergence, especially if the weather ... soybeans. The seed is protected by an inch or more of soil. In university research, the application of ... scouring the soil surface and burying small corn plants or further burying seeds. Fields that are spring ...

  10. Wilhelm, Meyer elected to CFAES Student Council leadership positions

    clubs formed with members from all CFAES student organizations. The group communicates between the ...
