
Search results

  1. Lawn Mower Clinic 2024

    $50, we will service your  walk-behind lawn mower over the course of one weekend. Please take note of the ...

  2. Perennial sowthistle (Sanchus arvensis)

    neutral, fine textured, rich soils. Leaves: Alternate, blue-green with prickly-toothed margins. Deeply ...

  3. Proper Harvesting and Testing of Scabby Wheat Important to Minimize Vomitoxin Levels

    a big risk," said Paul. Paul said that some Ohio growers with high levels of scab in their fields ... and chickens, the limit is 10 parts per million. Ingredients with 10 ppm should not exceed 50 percent ... vomitoxin contamination down to acceptable levels. "If a grower has high levels of Staganospora and ...

  4. Apple of Peru (Nicandra phyhsalodes)

    producer. Large, persistent seed-banks quickly accumulate in the soil due to seed dormancy. Very competitive ...

  5. Hairy white top or ballcress (Lepidium appelianum)

    alkaline soils Leaves: Blue-green in color with lower leaves being stalked and upper leaves having two ...

  6. Johnsongrass (Sorgum halepense)

    soil surface. They are stout with purple spots and scales at the nodes.  The problem is….Johnsongrass ...

  7. Shatter cane (Sorghum bicolor)

    base. It is believed that natural crossing between diverse sorghum types produced the present day ...

  8. February 2024 Highlights

    meeting or conference between November 2022, and October 2023. Danielle is a PhD student advised by Dr. ... stimulation.” This work allows Dr. Jiménez’s lab group to continue working on the link between food and health ...

  9. Ohio Species at Risk: Alien Invaders: a look at the impact of invasives


  10. Ohio Species at Risk: Firefly gardening & Seed collection methods

