
Search results

  1. Current 2024 US Dairy Outlook

    amount of milk, a $9.50 margin in tier one will still be a good risk management strategy. There are a lot ... milk fat provide a great value, adding about $1.50/cwt to the statistically uniform price for farmers ... record low milk-to-feed margins and record high dairy margin coverage (DMC) payments. The milk to feed ...

  2. Ally Lewis blends science and art through NASA Psyche Inspired internship program

    The NASA Psyche mission is a journey to a unique metal-rich asteroid orbiting the Sun between Mars ...

  3. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    standing, splashes manure on the udder, and elevates stress hormones. These changes increase risk of ... is 150 cows or less. Automated milking dairy farms with all cows in same pen will observe more social ... outside airflow can create a micro-environment in pens that initiate cow bunching. High stocking density ...

  4. Considerations for Managing Higher Fertilizer Prices on Your Dairy

    is highly unlikely. The critical phosphorus soil test level for corn and soybean is 20 ppm and 30 ppm ... soil test value is above the critical level, added fertilizer is not expected to increase the yield of ... the upcoming crop. When soil test values are above the critical level, the chance of a yield response ...

  5. Urban Soils and Ecosystem Services: Assessment and Restoration

    ENR 5279 A comprehensive study focused on assessment and restoration of urban soil to provide ... essential ecosystem services. Urban soil laboratory provides hands-on experience with soil assessment and ...

  6. SENR Announcements, May 17

    are part of a national team of over 100 soil scientists and agricultural professionals who have ...

  7. Safeguarding Your Herd: How Biosecurity Keeps Salmonella Dublin at Bay

    a bacterial pathogen that presents a significant risk to both the dairy industry and human health. While there ... have the same biosecurity requirements. The level of biosecurity varies based on factors like herd ... are part of standard biosecurity procedures to reduce the risk of exposure to Salmonella and other ...

  8. Heather Curtis

    Heather Curtis ENR Graduate Student ENR Graduate Student- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  9. Doctoral Program (PhD)

    Program is an advanced research degree that prepares students to pursue high-level, independent, scholarly ... master's degree and will only need to complete 50 post-master's credits. Direct-admit PhD students ... with previous graduate credit may earn up to 30 transfer credits for relevant master's-level ...

  10. Graduate Student Elected to Council of Interdisciplinary Professional Society

    Representative on Council as liaison between the Council and Student Affairs Committee. Anne's research ... their development contributes to community place meanings and risk perceptions. Anne is also interested ...
