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OCVN Franklin County 2022
modules. The session topics include Ohio’s birds, geology, soils, forests, mammals, water resources, ... 5:30—8:00 PM (Soils) OSU Extension Office, Franklin County; 12/7/2022 Wed 5:30—8:00 PM (Climate Change) OSU ...
2021 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Classes Begin In October
Metropark locations throughout Lucas County. This volunteer program is a collaboration between OSU ... questions, please contact Amy Stone at or Kim High at Kim.High ...
Stewart's Wilt Risk Low for Ohio's Corn
March 15, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The risk of Stewart's bacterial wilt and leaf blight is ... carried and spread by adult flea beetles. Based on the flea beetle index, conducted by Ohio State ... to have a low to moderate threat. The flea beetle index is calculated as the sum of the average ...
Plant-Associated Bacteria Can Improve Crop Health in Acidic Soils
increased yields of corn plants growing in acidic soils (i.e., with pH levels less than 5.0). In two ... the amount of aluminum and manganese, which can be toxic in high levels. "In low-pH soils, most ... June 4, 2009 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Common plant-associated bacteria, best known to suppress soil ...
Proper Proline Management Needed for Effective Results
resistant varieties exhibiting moderate disease levels. On average, between 35 percent and 50 percent scab ... head scab on wheat, but for the product to be the most effective, careful risk assessment, timing of ... reduction and between 30 percent and 45 percent vomitoxin reduction can be achieved if Proline is applied at ...
June 2020 Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing
PRESSURE CANNERS that have a DIAL GAUGE. This pressure gauge testing is NOT for: Water bath canners (high ... canners is absolutely unsafe because 212 degrees F is not high enough to destroy botulinum bacteria. ... (Note: Water bath canners are safe to use for high acidic, researched recipes. Some examples where the ...
ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED pH levels were detected in your water sample to below or above the ... GENERAL INFORMATION The pH level of your drinking water reflects how acidic it is. pH stands for ... is measured on a scale that runs from 0 to 14. Seven is neutral, meaning there is a balance between ...
Variety of GMO Tests are Available to Farmers
Ohio State University researchers have outlined a number of tests available that measure the level of ... allowable levels between 1and 3 percent. Japan recently established new legislation that sets a zero ... specialty markets can utilize a variety of tests that determine whether or not their crop is truly GMO-free. ...
ug/L ppb Pesticide MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Dibromochloropropane levels were ... a pungent odor. It is used primarily as an unclassified nematocide for soil fumigation of cucumbers, summer ... shrubs. The major source of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane in drinking water is runoff/leaching from soil ...
Variable Rate Application May Save Money, Boost Yields; Learn More at National No-Till Conference
on three field scenarios: application based on soil test data with the field divided into 2.5 acre ... lime, nitrogen, phosphorus and/or potassium. "Soil type, low fertility and pH levels are main ... which are standard now on most combines. The yield map identifies variations in a field. Based on soil ...