
Search results

  1. Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences

    conserve the local environment, through such programs as agroforestry, soil and water conservation, ... environmental problem-solving in risk-prone landscapes. As a Peace Corps Volunteer he worked as an agricultural ... in the area of soil and environmental mineralogy with a focus on carbon permanence. His research ...

  2. Health Protocols for Darke County 4-H

    (i.e. Google Hangout, Facetime, etc.). Events scheduled between now and May 15 must be postponed and ... rescheduled. Dear 4-H Families, Volunteers and Supporters: Events deemed nonessential are postponed between now ... Based on these guidelines, all 4-H Clubs must postpone/cancel all face-to-face meetings between now and ...

  3. Connecting, Inspiring, and Growing through Change

    and management of water, air, land, wildlife, energy and soil resources through environmental policy ... What we learned is that there is a highly interconnected community of environmental professionals ... virtual programming, EPN designed a series of career conversations between professionals and students, ...

  4. Restoring Streams and Wetlands – Whose Job Is It Anyway?

    biological, soil and hydrological properties. It’s a complicated and critically important field with ... going Physical, civil, soil, hydrological, and biological aspects of constructed wetlands and streams, ... certified through Ohio EPA’s QDC program for Level 3 fish studies and habitat assessments for biological ...

  5. Does your pressure canner need tested? Schedule an appointment with OSU Extension today to keep your family safe!

    summer produce is on its way.  When was the last time your dial gauge pressure canner was tested for ... accuracy?  If it’s been more than one year, it’s time for a re-check.  OSU Extension will be testing dial ... low-acid foods in boiling water canners is absolutely unsafe because 212 degrees F is not high enough to ...


    summer produce is on its way.  When was the last time your dial gauge pressure canner was tested for ... accuracy?  If it’s been more than one year, it’s time for a re-check.  OSU Extension will be testing dial ... low-acid foods in boiling water canners is absolutely unsafe because 212 degrees F is not high enough to ...

  7. Back-to-school COVID safety

    :// ...

  8. High School Career Day seeking environmental professionals

    students in grades 7-12, at a career fair planned for Saturday morning March 14th between 10:00 a.m. and ... noon at Lexington Junior High in Richland County. Interested professionals are invited to email ... to sign up. Saturday, March 14, 2020- 10:00am Lexington Jr. High in Richland County, ...

  9. Building hope in a space and movement where change feels unlikely

    United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties – “COP 26” – in Glasgow, U.K. between October 31, ... A History of World Soil Day and Overview of Climate Smart Agriculture with Dr. Rattan Lal and the EPN. ...

  10. Devising Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices for the World's Dry Areas

    reduced soil fertility, frequent drought, and low agricultural production levels persist in the West Asia ... agricultural research focused mainly on testing cropping systems under conventional soil management, this ... practices on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions. I received my Bachelor of Science in ...
