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  1. The Case for an Outside Board of Directors for Closely Held Farm and Agricultural Businesses

    That Can Sink a Startup, Wasserman states that entrepreneurs "face a choice between making money ... almost all firms operate somewhere between these two extremes. However, if your closely held business has ... helpful in creating that separation. A healthy separation between closely held companies and their owners ...

  2. Staphylococcus aureus: A Problem When Food Is Left Out Too Long

    nasal passages, the throat, and on the hair and skin of 50% or more of healthy individuals. This ... temperatures from 50 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, with the most rapid growth occurring near body temperature ... Re-heating foods, even at high temperatures, that have been contaminated with toxins will NOT make them safe ...

  3. Study Suggests Hepatitis E may be a Sexually Transmitted Infection

    Animal Health. “Our future studies will be directed toward understanding theassociation between hepatitis ... though the link between HEV infection and human infertility suggests this could be the case. “In between ... 20 and 50% of documented male infertility cases, they don’t really know what’s causing it,” Kenney ...

  4. Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District

    the acreage in the Scioto River basin. Soil test P is one factor that can mitigate the amount of ... Table 2 would result in lower soil test phosphorus (STP) values over time. Evidence that this is ... levels between 1993 and 2015 (LaBarge, 2023). Future trends in STP are expected to continue to decline ...

  5. Raspberries for the Home Fruit Planting

    The soil should be well-drained and have a pH between 5.8 and 6.5. Always have the soil tested to ... crop in spring. Reveile Early Medium to large fruit with good flavor. Vigorous and high yielding. Boyne ... Medium-sized fruits with good color and flavor, firmness, and freezing quality. High yielding. Redwing Mid ...

  6. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    plants can occur at temperatures below 46 F. Colder soil temperatures also result in more calendar days ... needed for emergence as early-season emergence is controlled by soil-accumulated growing degree days ... consider planting as soon as soil temperatures are predicted to remain at or above 46 F. Also, consider ...

  7. Food Safety for Fruits and Vegetables

    pH between 6.5–7.5, wash water should be chlorinated to levels between 50 ppm to 500 ppm depending on ... Research and Development Center, The Ohio State University Diets that are low in fat, high in fiber, and ... cancer and lessen the risk of heart disease (4). However, it is essential that fresh food be produced ...

  8. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production

    grape yield. High densities of spotted lanternfly (>50 SLF per vine) result in reduced clusters per ... experiencing high traffic should be carefully monitored for the presence of SLF. Vineyards near transportation ... corridors and/or areas with a large proportion of SLF host plants may be at a higher risk for SLF ...

  9. Sustainable Fertilizers for Containerized Floriculture Crops

    the result of a high-quality compost process. When applied to substrates, these products are degraded ... influence nutrient availability. In fact, temperature and water availability are crucial: soils that are too ... levels above acceptable levels making electrical conductivity (EC) monitoring very important. Numerous ...

  10. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    considered a statewide risk, though abundance may vary greatly across different habitats. Life Cycle, ... with high leaf-litter coverage, but may also include your own backyard, especially shaded areas of ... Lyme Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— ...
