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  1. Landscaping for Birds

    6:00-7:00 pm  - From the Ground Up: Taking Care of Your Soil So It Takes Care of You- Fairfield County ...

  2. Soil Testing

    Agriculture, Food and Environment for soil testing services. Information and soil testing bags are available at ... Ohio State University Extension about  Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and ... Vegetable Gardens Home Garden Soil Testing Form  (fillable pdf) (For Garden or small scale horticulture ...

  3. Guidance and Preparation for Interactions with First Amendment Activists

    We have recently been made aware of First Amendment activists/auditors visiting Extension county offices. These individuals visit public office buildings to record interactions with the intent to provoke a response that they believe will violate their Fir ...

  4. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet and examine the management structure to determine optimal ways to lead and support county operations and the system. ...

  5. Explore Connect Collab to be held at OSU Piketon — June 25

    aquaculture and aquaponics, small business development, specialty crops, soil, water, and bioenergy, direct ...

  6. Ohio State to host Manure Science Review in August

    London, Ohio.   Aimed at farmers, crop consultants, soil conservation workers and others, the Manure ... applicator The final two demonstrations of the day will highlight the collaborative effort between Ohio ...

  7. Don’t Let a Lapse in Biosecurity Ruin Your Fair

    Frequently over recent months you may have heard of the current outbreak of Highly Pathogenic ... Minnesota Board of Animal Health reported that a juvenile goat on a Minnesota farm tested positive for HPAI. ... been in contact with affected cattle tested positive for HPAI. The next week North Carolina became the ...

  8. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  9. Leading from Wherever You Are online

    addition to influence, leaders need to build positive relationships with others at all levels of the ... will focus on the relationships you have at all levels of your organization.  Participants will share ... influence at all levels of the organization. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Please note, if you ...

  10. Pollinator Monitoring

    collecting the data. This survey of native and introduced perennial plants is a collaborative effort between ... used to create charts that show when each of the plants are in high-bloom vs. low-bloom across the ...
