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  1. Change in Ohio law creates new “low risk” license for mobile food vendors

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  2. Late Summer Establishment of Perennial Forages

    6.0 or above. The minimum or critical soil phosphorus level for forage legumes is 30 ppm Mehlich-3 and ... for grasses 20 ppm Mehlich-3. The critical soil potassium level is 120 ppm for most of our soils ... increases the risk of soil crusting. Follow the "footprint guide" that soil should be firm enough ...

  3. Forage Planting – How to Do It Well

    Soil phosphorus should be at least 20 ppm for grasses and 30 ppm for legumes, while minimum soil ... potassium should be 100 ppm for sandy soils less than 5 cation exchange capacity (CEC) or 120 ppm on all ... overwork the soil. Too much tillage depletes moisture and increases the risk of surface crusting. Firm the ...

  4. Meet Ashley Bergman: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    took a basic drafting and AutoCAD course my senior year of high school which I enjoyed. I discovered ... them.  How are you involved on campus? I've been an active member of the Ohio State Crops and Soils ...

  5. Meet Timothy Sullivan: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    involved in the ASM Club, Crops and Soils Club, Weeds Judging Team, and am a Farm Science Review Student ...

  6. Become a Member

    CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam ...

  7. Should You Consider Reducing Mineral Supplementation in Periods of Low Milk Prices?

    to 13 mg/kg (ppm) Cu, 35 to 40 ppm Mn, and 40 to 50 ppm Zn. Supplemental Se should be fed at 0.3 ppm ... P concentrations greater than those levels but that P is inexpensive. Magnesium is almost always deficient in basal ... Mg absorption, increasing the risk of deficiency. In most situations, diets with 0.20 to 0.25% Mg is ...

  8. Dr. Devin Peterson

    Center, a partnership between academic researchers and industry leaders focused on the creation, exchange, ...

  9. Innovative tech shows promise to boost rubber production in US

    With disease and high demand posing threats to the world’s primary natural rubber supply in ... Beyond tires, rubber has applications in an estimated 50,000 products. The need is urgent for a domestic ... imports for natural rubber. In 2019, 10% of the natural rubber supply was lost to disease – and the risk ...

  10. CFAES News | 3.27.2024

    Co-hort High-performing leaders are essential to the success of an organization. A high-performing leader ... skills needed to be a high-performing leader through gaining the Foundational Leadership Certificate.  ... keynotes, a grower panel, 40 presentations, a reception with approximately 50 posters, a choice of six ...
