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  1. Snider attends annual agriculture educator conference

    at Ohio State prepares students to acquire a license to teach agricultural science in secondary high ...

  2. New Pricing for OSU Extension Publications

    eStore: 4-H project book: $7.50 (no discount). 4-H resource handbook or ANR, FCS or CD bulletin (using ...

  3. OSU Three-peats at Keystone

    overall.  Lydia Ulry, Johnstown, Ohio, won the contest and was high individual in beef cattle and swine ...

  4. Wallace to complete internship with Wilt PR

    Gibsonburg High School. The agricultural communication major at Ohio State prepares students to plan, ...

  5. New undergraduate minor in sustainability now available

    enhanced by a basic knowledge of sustainability."—Neil Drobny EEDS is a joint program between the  ...

  6. Dr. Ken Lee named 2014 recipient of the Harold Macy Award

    technology transfer or cooperation between scientists or technologists in any two of the following settings: ...

  7. Professional Societies and Conferences

    Association: Provides an opportunity for communication among student members and between students and the AAEA. ... information among the various member chapters and between  ADSA  and the member chapters; acquaints students ...

  8. 'It's a great way to get your feet wet if you're just starting out in the business'

    center acts as a link between the university and the state's vast food industry, and its influence ...

  9. Sample Research Topics

    Reducing ammonia volatilization from dairy cattle manure Relationship between hemoglobin concentration and ...

  10. Grape Pruning Workshop

    damage 11am-Noon:   Go to the vineyard to prune VSP, High Cordon and selecting renewal trunks The OSU ...
