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Integrated Pest Management- Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM-CRS): East Africa
to give farmers an alternative, more environmentally-friendly path for sustaining high agricultural ...
Bioproducts World 2014 Showcase and Conference
N High St, Columbus, OH 43215 For more information contact Denny Hall, OBIC Director, at, ...
Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Welcomes Fulbright Scholar from Uganda
opportunity to establish and foster long-term partnerships between their respective institutions in an effort ... long-lasting cooperation that has occurred and will continue to occur between Ohio State and Makerere ...
iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID
international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...
Gireesh Rajashekara makes iAGRI visit to Sokoine University of Agriculture
collaborations between SUA and Ohio State. ...
Emotional Cues and Eating
high-fat foods in response to emotional stress. Many of us are programmed to turn to food for comfort at ... stored as excess fat leading to increased weight gain and health risks. Even when you feel full, if you ...
Best Practices for Retaining Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce
Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce Few farmers' market consumers are aware of how to retain optimal ...
Ohio State's Food Industries Center Helps Food, Beverage Industry Taste Success
Established in 1982, the center acts as a link between the university and the state's vast food industry, ... Building, is for teaching, research and product testing only; its license does not permit products made ... supervisor, said companies often lease the plant so they can test new products or processes without having to ...
The Plant Protective Box
could hope to squeeze through. I next banked the bottom of the box with soil to seal out any ravenous ... about $7.00. It was too late in the season to really test the milk crate screen box, and the waterproof ...
4-H Dog Department Meeting
Jr. Fair Entry Forms, Dog Classes, Dog Test, And More! Please call or email either Chelsea Smith at ...