
Search results

  1. Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference

    January 22. The $50 fee includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch and USB memory stick with all of ...

  2. Seminar, Shin-Yi Lee Marzano, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

    Metagenomes of beneficial microorganisms: disease suppressive soil and mycoviruses. Kottman 244 ...

  3. Shearer Receives BETHA Grant for Global Sustainable Village

    between science, technology, society, and cultural issues. This year, a record number of 37 proposals were ...

  4. Multi-Disciplinary Collaborations

    research is also conducted on the interactions between soil quality, weed ecology, microbial ecology, crop ... CAPS supports interdisciplinary scientific teams that span the continuum between basic research and practical ...

  5. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

    All women and young women (high school age) who are interested, involved in, or want to become ...

  6. Communiqué January 21, 2015

    statewide needs assessment format. It is our desire for the format to be useful at the county level as well. ... plans for the statewide assessment, and the group is charged with coming up with ideas for county-level ... the relationship between the clientele’s expectations in relation to the delivery of a program or ...

  7. Leading Creek Watershed Group

    Leading Creek Meigs Jim Freeman Watershed Coordinator Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District ... Meigs Soil and Water Conservation District 113 E. Memorial Dr. Pomeroy, OH 45701 (740) 992-4282 (740) ...

  8. New Publication

    Association between resistance to an introduced invasive pathogen and phenolic compounds that may serve as ...

  9. Container gardening using Strawberry Jars

    house under a shade tree.  Fill the pot with a good quality potting soil.  One that contains ... a good idea to keep the soil loose and breathing (this is important for good root growth and for water ... take a little practice but basically you just need to create an opening in the soil, add the plant, and ...

  10. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    conference, backyard food production, local foods, 4-H enrollment, Policy 1.50, quality assurance, video ... generalist, CFAES Human Resources Per the new University policy 1.50 (Activities and Programs with Minor ... resources to testing four half-time program positions that focused on educational technology within ...
