
Search results

  1. Extension Email Builder Module Now Available

    Learning and Organizational Development unit site, Operations unit site, and the program area state-level ...

  2. Update on University Approach to Reopening Sectors (OSU Extension Clarification)

    at the university level that it is safe and appropriate to do so sooner. We will, however, work ...

  3. Youth Entrepreneur SPIN Club

    Middle and high school students are invited to join Marissa Mulligan, 4-H Educator, for an ...

  4. Nature- The Free Stress Reliever: 2

    to all the registered emails after the program. Although we always felt a connection between Nature ...

  5. Coffee with the Master Gardeners: Herbal Teas

    between the unique herbal teas. Speaker: Carol Smith, OSU Master Gardener Volunteer   Until OSU Extension ...

  6. 2017 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    light refreshments each evening, one free soil test, and a bus tour. This series consists of ten evening ...

  7. 2015 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series

    refreshments each evening, one free soil test, and a bus tour held on September 27. Successful graduates of the ...

  8. MG Coffee Series- Starting Seeds Indoors

    outside plantings. Barb will discuss the importance of using the correct growing medium, proper lighting, ...

  9. State Budget Update – CFAES and OSU Extension Highlights

    this significant increase during a continuing pandemic. It speaks highly of your value and your ...

  10. Farm Bill Update: ARC/PLC

    Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC), or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) for 2019-2023.  2019 enrollment is open but will ...
