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  1. Veterinary School Interview Workshop

    questions, what to wear and how to manage the non-verbal communication, a mock interview scenario, and the ...

  2. Volunteers

    year. New Volunteers      Policy 1.50 Trainings Date: Coming soon ...

  3. Highlighting Research: 7 Student, Faculty & Staff researchers and the questions they are answering

    solar site construction on the soil, forage yields and surrounding landscapes. Campbell also examines ...

  4. Dr. Sandra (Sandy) Velleman retires following three decades of industry leadership

    Connecticut and worked closely with Dr. Carl Nester. Conversations between the east coast natives often ranged ...

  5. National Bio- and Agri-Defense Facility (NBAF) Training Program

    regarding various biological safety levels and other considerations for work with animals and in high ...

  6. Adsorptive removal of dyes using char derived from anaerobic digestate

    application of hydrochar in soil amendment and pollution remediation. This study focuses on the utilization of ... Methyl orange. The maximum removal (%) was found to be 91.958 ± 2.604 for 10 ppm of Methylene blue at ... 1g/L dosage of hydrochar activated at 400 o C and 71.808 ± 4.265 for 10 ppm of Methyl orange. The ...

  7. Sathya Gopalakrishnan

    economic theory to understand ubiquitous interdependencies between human decisions and geophysical ... systems, applied to coastal and water resources; non-market valuation of environmental amenities and risks ... at the undergraduate (AEDE 4310) and graduate levels (AEDE 8301) and a PhD course in applied welfare ...

  8. Margaret Jodlowski

    labor market opportunities, immigration policy, demand for Federal crop insurance, on farm-level ... production and financial decisions. Another major strand of her work looks at the relationship between ... managing environmental risk, production risk, and financial risk; for example, she has a project that looks ...

  9. Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors

    themselves as having medium levels of risk tolerance, 34% stated that they have high levels of tolerance, and ... greatest percentage, 44%, said that they had high levels of risk tolerance, 37% reported medium levels, and ... 26% noted that they have low levels of risk tolerance. Meanwhile, amongst nonfarm business owners, the ...

  10. Marilia Chiavegato

    databases to test different strategies at the field scale such as grazing management strategies, ... monitoring environmental pressures such as greenhouse gas emissions from soils and animals, ammonia ...
