
Search results

  1. New video series Project Journal debuts

    bare root vs. soil plug plants were tested. What started out as something as simple as “let’s try ...

  2. FCS Professional Development Days-Healthy Finances

    education programs at various levels; these general updates are designed to apply to all staff. The goal is ...

  3. Ohio Plant Diagnostic Clinic

    Diagnostic Workshop Speakers:  Joe Boggs, Eric Draper, Jim Chatfield, Paul Snyder Put your skills to the test ... real-world scenarios. Extended time will be spend going over the samples. We haven’t had enough time in the ... Education Center Cost:  $50 ISA and ODA credits are available Don't miss out on this incredible ...

  4. Department of Extension Peer Evaluation of Teaching

    promotion review.” (Section X.B.) Selecting a Peer Evaluator Peers should be selected who possess a level of ... expertise needed to provide constructive and useful evaluative feedback on teaching (i.e. higher level of ... reviewers, senior level Extension professionals might not carry academic titles at other universities. Thus, ...

  5. Kale: An Easy-to-Grow and Tasty Vegetable

    adding two to three seeds per cell/pot. Sprinkle a little soil over the top of the seed in the pot, then ... Magnesium. Kale is also full of antioxidants, and it can help lower cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of ... time-tested and can be a great side dish for Thanksgiving or any other meal: a recipe courtesy of Ohio State ...

  6. 4-H Professionals Volunteer Management In-Service

    will be a great learning opportunity for all 4-H professionals, regardless of your level of experience. ...

  7. 2025 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement conference

    at the local and county level to meet the needs of citizens and constituents. The conference location ...

  8. BUGmobile: Unique Animals On the Move

    of the animals here, with supervision of course. The Insectary itself is home to about 150 different ...

  9. 4-H Spark Expo

    career readiness program, Ohio 4 H Pathways to the Future. a collaboration between Ohio 4-H and the ...

  10. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see ...
