
Search results

  1. Wheat Management Practices

    than corn or soybeans, and soil test levels should be maintained between 25-40 ppm for optimum ... depending on yield potential.  Do not add any phosphorus if soil test levels are higher than 50 ppm. Soil ... .  Wheat generally yields well with a soil pH level between 6.3 and 7.0.  Apply 20 to 30 lbs. of actual ...

  2. Lancaster Greenhouse & Nursery Fundraiser

    vegetables, geraniums, hanging baskets, containter plantings, seeds, trees, shrubs, mulches & soils at ...

  3. Season of Gratitude email

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  Add zig-zag row:  Heading:  TEST Copy:  TEST Heading:  ... Test Copy:  Test Gray bar, white mastheadCollege of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... ...

  4. My Account ...

  5. Winter Wellness

    wellness plan this winter.  In this presentation, you will learn the signs, symptoms and risk factors for ... 7:30 p.m. Where: Wagnalls Memorial Library, 150 East Columbus St., Lithopolis, OH Registration: Call ...

  6. CFAES Recruitment Summit Registration

    Restrictions CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam ...

  7. Legacy Dinner Auctions Raise $3,270 To Support 4-H Programs

    4 club level tickets to a Cleveland Guardians game donated by Farmers National Bank, item two a case of ...

  8. Frost-Damaged Forages

     Lab analyses that report prussic acid levels between 600-1000 ppm are potentially toxic and should be ... rotational grazing to reduce the risk of animals selectively grazing leaves that can contain high levels of ... after a frost. Nitrate levels can be tested at most labs. A forage sample analysis is worth the vet ...

  9. Plan Now For Frost Seeding Renovation

    fertility are important.  A soil pH of 6.5 is desirable for legume plants.  Critical or base level soil test ... hay field. It involves broadcasting seed on to the soil surface and letting natural freeze/thaw cycles ... work to increase seed to soil contact.  Fields roughed up by livestock grazing and/or are overgrazed ...

  10. Lunch at the Wilds

    and fresh baked cookies, lemonade, iced tea and water) Comments CAPTCHA This question is for testing ...
