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  1. Agriculture Innovation Center to support value-added agriculture in Northeast Ohio

    Innovation Center Program. “Northeast Ohio is a great agricultural region with rich prime soils and is home ... small and medium farms in Ohio,” said Shoshanah Inwood, CFAES program director and rural sociologist. ... Program. As the first Ohio senator to serve on the Senate Agriculture Committee in more than 50 years, he ...

  2. Understanding barriers to conservation

    relatively high levels of belief in the importance of conservation, participation remains relatively low and ... value conservation, according to Robyn Wilson, CFAES professor of risk analysis and decision science and ... of farmers surveyed report believing “good farmers” care about soil health and local waterways and ...

  3. USDA invests $10M in Ohio State-led team to accelerate adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices

    productivity. However, these improvements come with drawbacks such as declines in soil health and organic ...

  4. Ohio State Experts Offer Tips on Best Management Practices to Keep Phosphorus on the Field, Improve Water Quality

    recommendations. Where soil test levels are above 40 ppm Bray P1 or 58 ppm Mehlich III-ICP, do not apply additional ... recommendations. Fertilizing soils above these levels increases the risk of phosphorous in runoff and tile ... the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. “Doing soil testing and following Tri-State recommendations ...

  5. PawPaws

    pawpaw fruit production in relation to forest and soil structure Variation in pawpaw cultivar ...

  6. ACEL Student attends BOLD Leadership Conference

    encourages the development of personal leadership skills at an individual level. "I traveled to the GKB ...

  7. ACEL Agriscience Education Students Present Workshop at Ohio FFA Convention

    Agriscience Education," focused on the agricultural education profession and why high school students ...

  8. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    Risk Index is a program developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation ... algal blooms, experts say. The revised phosphorus risk index can help Ohio farmers better work toward ... a reduction of this size would keep algal blooms at safe levels for people and the lake. “The index provides ...

  9. Ohio 4-H launches CareerNext to empower youth for tomorrow’s workforce

    practical knowledge, interactive modules, and real-world scenarios to empower participants to explore ...

  10. Preserve and protect your bounty of summer produce

    Sherrie Whaley COLUMBUS, Ohio — Summer begins this week, so now is the time to level up your food ...
