
Search results

  1. Lawn Mower Clinic 2024

    $50, we will service your  walk-behind lawn mower over the course of one weekend. Please take note of the ...

  2. Innovative tech shows promise to boost rubber production in US

    With disease and high demand posing threats to the world’s primary natural rubber supply in ... Beyond tires, rubber has applications in an estimated 50,000 products. The need is urgent for a domestic ... imports for natural rubber. In 2019, 10% of the natural rubber supply was lost to disease – and the risk ...

  3. Food Engineering

    high-pressure process engineering Superheated steam for dry food processing plant sanitation Treatment of food ...

  4. With The Time Change, Consider Tossing Habits That Inhibit Good Night's Sleep

    internal clock and decrease our stress levels. If sleep is a challenge for you or for someone you care ...

  5. Future Students

    scenarios. Classes are small and labs are even smaller, allowing for individualized learning and attention. ...

  6. Fall Manure Application to Wheat and other Fields

    or economic benefit to applying more phosphate on fields with soil test levels above 40 ppm M-3.  On ... legislation across Ohio.  Match the manure application to soil test phosphorus levels.  There is no agronomic ... soils with a phosphorus level above 40 ppm M-3 apply no more than crop removal rates of phosphate.  ...

  7. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

    segment begins at 6 inches above soil level so the sample segment represents the 6-14 inch height of the ... to interpret results:      Low: less than 450 ppm, high probability nitrogen is deficient ... to 2000 ppm. The value of the stalk nitrate test is increased as the test is repeated over years for ...

  8. Poultry

    c heck our  Skillathon page  for more information. August 20th - Turkey Blood Testing-  Sheep/Goat Arena ... and Record Book (150)  - Are you interested in raising chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, or guineas? ... Books- For Reference ONLY Every 4-H member must purchase and utilize the new 150 Poultry record book. The ...

  9. OSU Extension Can Help With Harvest Sample Testing

    line to get their picture taken with a statue. Test, don’t guess to evaluate soil quality In my last ... preached the mantra of 'test, don’t guess' when it comes to soil testing, and the same is true ... analytical packages available, and testing costs range from $18.50 to $20.50 per sample. More information can ...

  10. In The Market For A Bull?

    too high, or slipped too far, there are bulls that you will think went for way too much money or went ... between operations and individual needs.  While there are some differences of opinion, I have heard the ... $13,824.   If you indeed purchase a bull for between $6,700 and $13,824, and that bull has the potential to ...
