
Search results

  1. Be Mindful of Fall Armyworm, Which Could Get Interesting

    cutting. Fertilize according to soil test recommendations. Monitor the regrowth closely to catch any ... in Ohio. Wheat planted after this date have lower risks of damage from Hessian Fly as well as other ...

  2. Crop progress today relative to 2023 and the 5-year average

    hold, harvest can be expected earlier this year, with hopefully a lower risk of frost damage in fields ... 63-64% good to excellent, some regions with ample moisture in the soil but others lacking some. Adequate ...

  3. Lep Monitoring Network – News on Fall Armyworm (FAW), WBC and CEW, Update # 17

    be cause for concern in counties with high averages, specifically in Wayne County who saw an average ... the week ending August 11 th. The only county with any reports was Morgan (5.0) (Figure 4). Reports ...

  4. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 20- August Weather Update

    between R5 and R6. Planting dates one and two have stopped putting on vegetative growth and flowering. ... Planting date one flowered between May 28 th and stopped on August 8 th. For diseases in soybeans, the only ... Wooster Campus, with the day of planting, soil, air temperature averages, and Growing Degree Days (GDDs) ...

  5. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 13- Spider Mites

    plants presented symptoms at any level, low, medium, or high). At the Northwest location, date four was ... date one had very low levels while planting date two had almost 80 percent incidence (meaning that most ... the past week). Both planting dates one and two in the soybeans had a high incidence of Septoria brown ...

  6. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 22- Demo Plots at Farm Science Review

    these plots between R1 and R3. This field has some variability caused by the early season water logging. ...

  7. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 19- Corn Development and Water Use

    shoot initiation between V4-V6 stage. The shoots will eventually become harvestable ears. Along with the ... pollination is successful. Then grain fill will begin after pollination. Kernel abortion can occur between R1 ... components, water loss from soil or evaporation and water loss from the crop or transpiration. Therefore these ...

  8. CFAES News | 8.28.2024

    we get older. Most individuals strive for an independent, high quality of life and being able to ... soil health, build organic matter, and keep valuable materials from the landscape. Come learn the ...

  9. How To Join 4-H

    membership, regardless of grade level.  Membership requires enrollment in an authorized Ohio 4-H club or group ...

  10. Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew

    that it has reduced seed size and quality if present early in the season and at high levels. Effective ...
