
Search results

  1. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    decreasing the risk to humans. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Avian influenza A viruses are ... classified as low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) A viruses and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) ... causes severe disease and death. Both low and high pathogenic viruses can spread rapidly within a flock. ...

  2. TAP

    in a food-service establishment that require Level II certification in food safety training by the ... 330-264-8722     Upcoming Food Safety Exams Level 2- Food Safety Manager TAP Exam Dates Date Class ...

  3. ECE Virtual Online Classes

    Ohio and at the national level to better understand the need to increase their professional ...

  4. Quality Assurance Program

    the test (12-14) and (15-18). There are 50 multiple choice questions in each age category and members ... Clinic or Test Out.  Exhibitors of the following animals are required to attend: Dairy Cattle Feeder ... are at the Butler County Fairgrounds, 1715 Fairgrove Avenue in Hamilton.  QA Test ...

  5. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    benefits to high-skilled workers and homeowners versus low-skilled workers and renters can better prepare ... that can play a role in planning for a successful collaboration between Intel and the Columbus ... represents more than just the arrival of a major corporation; it signifies a collaborative effort between the ...

  6. For ODS Registered Students

    of the semester, review your class syllabi. Review the requirements e.g., quizzes, tests, attendance, ...

  7. Growing Hardy Figs in Ohio

    and 6 feet between rows, in order to maximize the space usage in the high tunnel. Our experience ... the ground when temperatures are 20°F or below. In an effort to test how hardy figs will perform in ... Ohio, two demonstration plantings (one in the open field and one in a high tunnel) of several hardy fig ...

  8. Controlling Non-native Invasive Plants in Ohio’s Forests: Kudzu (Pueraria lobata)

    spray mixture varies between applicators, but 40–80 gallons per acre is a consistent recommendation, ...

  9. Qi Jiang

    on the nexus between consumer behavior, preferences, and their impact on food markets and ...

  10. Sustainable Economy: Concepts and Methods

    upper-level course in sustainability concepts and methods developed specifically for the EEDS major. Based on ...
