
Search results

  1. Xylenes

    contaminant level (MCL) for many years could experience damage to their nervous system. 10.00 ppm mg/L ppm VOC ... MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Xylene levels were detected in your water sample to ... exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS OPTIONAL Xylene levels were detected in your water ...

  2. TODAY: Trick or Treat!

    Grab a friend or go solo between classes to treat stations around campus to earn entries to win this ... Bookstore (down the steps across from the Student Activities Office) Café Carmen (basement level of Skou) 3. ...

  3. Introduction to Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO)

    Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received before March 30 to receive a partial refund. There is a $50 ...

  4. Chlorine

    level (MRDL).  MRDL's are non-enforceable goals based on the possible risk and exposure over ... excess of the MRDL could experience stomach discomfort. 4.00 ppm mg/L ppm Inorganic trace constituent ... MRDL ADVISORY- ACTION IS RECOMMENDED Chlorine levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the ...

  5. Dairy and Juice HACCP

    refund. There is a $50 cancelation fee. In the event of a low attendee registration or weather emergency, ...

  6. Cultural Connections: Ecuador

    The  50 th   talk in the series Cultural Connections—  where culture meets agriculture Thursday, ... November 16, 2023  12:00-12:50 pm.  Food served from 12:00  Presentation at 12:15 Wooster Science Building ...

  7. Leading from Wherever You Are online

    addition to influence, leaders need to build positive relationships with others at all levels of the ... will focus on the relationships you have at all levels of your organization.  Participants will share ... to increase their influence at all levels of the organization. Beth Flynn is facilitating this ...

  8. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

    GENERAL INFORMATION Well water that effervesces may contain high levels of carbon dioxide in the ... water (carbonated water). Carbonic acid is a weak acid. The primary effects of high levels of carbon ... effect is considered negligible. mg/L ppm Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Dissolved gas ACTION IS OPTIONAL Carbon ...

  9. Get to know your farm insurance policy

    Farm insurance is an excellent risk management tool, but understanding an insurance policy is ... insurance liability risk management ...

  10. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (as N)

    is bound up in compounds with carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.  TKN is high in septic waste and manure.  ... Total nitrogen is equal to TKN plus nitrate and nitrite. mg/L ppm Nutrient ACTION IS OPTIONAL Total ... Kjeldahl Nitrogen levels were detected in your water sample. There is no health-based standard for Total ...
