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  1. Proper Harvesting and Testing of Scabby Wheat Important to Minimize Vomitoxin Levels

    a big risk," said Paul. Paul said that some Ohio growers with high levels of scab in their fields ... and chickens, the limit is 10 parts per million. Ingredients with 10 ppm should not exceed 50 percent ... vomitoxin contamination down to acceptable levels. "If a grower has high levels of Staganospora and ...

  2. Establishing New Forage Stands

    phosphorus should be at least 15 ppm for grasses and 25 ppm for legumes, while minimum soil potassium in ppm ... weed-free. Don’t overwork the soil. Too much tillage depletes moisture and increases the risk of surface ... a good window of opportunity when soils are dry enough. The outlook for this spring is for planting ...

  3. Nitrite (as N)

    breath and blue baby syndrome. 1.00 ppm mg/L ppm Nutrient MCL MCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ... Nitrite levels were detected in your water sample to exceed the maximum contaminant level (MCL). ACTION IS ... OPTIONAL Nitrite levels were detected in your water sample but do not exceed the maximum contaminant level ...

  4. Molds and Mycotoxins in Dairy Cattle: Effects, Diagnosis, and Control

    provides an overview of health effects, laboratory diagnosis, interpretation of results with risk levels ...

  5. Sulfate

    adults become accustomed to high sulfate levels after a few days. AESTHETIC EFFECTS If sulfate in water ... levels may also corrode plumbing, particularly copper piping. In areas with high sulfate levels, plumbing ... Inorganic major constituent SMCL SMCL ADVISORY- ACTION IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Sulfate levels were detected in ...

  6. Horticulture Resources

      Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops and Vegetable Gardens If you need your soil ... tested, this article provides instructions on how to collect soil samples, as well as where to get your ... soil tested.   C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic The C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest ...

  7. Hemlock-ed In! From Cleveland’s parks to the Hocking Hills, meet our leaders conserving one of Ohio’s most spectacular evergreen trees

    Nature Conservancy 6:50 p.m. Panel dialogue on eastern hemlock conservation between Macy, Hausman, ... nearly 100 unique bird species, several of whom are species of concern in Ohio. With its high tolerance ... for shade, hemlocks provide both a dense evergreen tree canopy and strong lower-level foliage creating ...

  8. Dairy Margin Coverage 2023 Deadline Is Fast Approaching

    the DMC feed cost falls below the selected protection level of $4.00-9.50/cwt. Now is the time to ... well above $9.50/cwt, margins fell below the $9.50/cwt level in August to $8.08/cwt and in September ... much more reasonable, with the $9.50/cwt coverage level costing $0.15 per cwt. With the current ...

  9. Controlled Environment Plant Production Engineering/Technology Education Modules

    developed in 2010-2015 under Dr. Peter Ling’s leadership in a multi-university collaboration between ... better understand interactions between plant physiology, engineering physics, and economics.  Module ...

  10. New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare

    risks in the future. Additionally, I am committed to raising awareness and knowledge about food animal ...
