
Search results

  1. Meet Ashley Bergman: 2024 CFAES Distinguished Senior

    took a basic drafting and AutoCAD course my senior year of high school which I enjoyed. I discovered ... them.  How are you involved on campus? I've been an active member of the Ohio State Crops and Soils ...

  2. Season of Gratitude email

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  Add zig-zag row:  Heading:  TEST Copy:  TEST Heading:  ... Test Copy:  Test Gray bar, white mastheadCollege of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... ...

  3. Agricultural Systems Management

    careers. Four areas of emplasis allow students to specialize their degree further in either Soil and Water, ...

  4. My Account ...

  5. Two FABE faculty awarded Global Gateways Initiative grants

    "Effectiveness of Restoration Practices on Strem Ecosystems in Riparian Forests between Brazil and the United ... soil degradation and water management issues in India’s Western Ghats Region" The Western Ghats ... region in India, endowed with fertile soils and abundant water resources, has faced soil degradation and ...

  6. Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering

    food products. Agricultural engineering allows students to focus on soil and water, structures and ...

  7. Establishing Alfalfa and Weed Management

    be between 25 and 50 ppm. The Mehlich III soil test P concentrations should be between 40 and 79 ppm ... . The recommended rate of potash is based upon the soil test level in ppm, the cation exchange capacity, ... and yield goal.  If lime is required and the Bray P1 soil test value for phosphorus is below 25 ppm ...

  8. Feed Market Outlook: Tight Cattle Supply Continues to Hold Cull Cow Prices

    Development Economics, The Ohio State University Feeder Cattle Price Reached an All-Time High in September ... 2023 The feeder cattle price is at a historic high, and the price rally is expected to continue through ... livestock commodities and the Bloomberg (Bberg) index. Clearly, the cattle-related prices show a remarkable ...

  9. Follow Your Passion

    addition, I am excited to begin a career in farm financial management or grain risk management, where I can ...

  10. Seeding Perennial Forages in Late Summer

    30 to 50 ppm Mehlich-3 and for grasses 20 to 30 ppm Mehlich-3. The optimal soil potassium level is ... much tillage depletes soil moisture and increases the risk of soil crusting. Follow the "footprint ... and clovers should have a pH of 6.0 or above. The optimal soil phosphorus level for forage legumes is ...
