
Search results

  1. Extension Insight Requested about COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs and Attitudes in Ohio – Survey Open until 5pm on April 1

    Teaching and Engagement. This is a joint initiative between Cooperative Extension and the CDC. The goal of ...

  2. Monarch Butterfly Earth Day Virtual Celebration via the Environmental Professionals Network – April 21

    The U.S. Midwest region serves as a vital corridor in the monarch’s migration cycle between Mexico to ...

  3. Soil Health Monitoring Capstone

    202 Friday, February 18, 2022- 11:00am to 1:00pm ...

  4. Thoughts from the Director

    sessions (see details below), our re-engagement of our state-level internal and external Extension advisory ...

  5. Interest Income 1099-INT Forms

    FISCAL STEWARDS/LEVEL 1 APPROVERS: Email a copy of your Interest Income "1099-INT" ...

  6. Southern Ohio Farm Show

    The Southern Ohio Farm Show is a partnership between Gigi Neal, James Morris, and Brooke Beam who ...

  7. Award Winners for Community Development Educational Programs

    Technology Award for her work with the Scholastic High School Drone Racing League Program. Brooke and Meghan ...

  8. Using Virtual Reality to Promote Farm Safety

    determine if the roll-over scenario was treated like a real life example, or if the tractor operators felt ... on the east side of Kottman Street, between Friday and Land Avenues. The tent will offer educational ... operation,” said Pfeifer. “Between the virtual reality experience and our farm safety hazard hunt, our tent ...

  9. OSU Extension Apparel Purchase Opportunity

    spot are: your county name; Dayton Adventure Central; program area name (if you are a state-level ... you are a state-level employee of the unit); or Master Gardener Volunteer. Unfortunately, adding team ...

  10. CFAES Spirit of the Land-Grant Award – Nominations due February 19

    land-grant mission. The award celebrates the connection between our CFAES values and our land-grant DNA. ...
