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Extension Insight Requested about COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs and Attitudes in Ohio – Survey Open until 5pm on April 1
Teaching and Engagement. This is a joint initiative between Cooperative Extension and the CDC. The goal of ...
Monarch Butterfly Earth Day Virtual Celebration via the Environmental Professionals Network – April 21
The U.S. Midwest region serves as a vital corridor in the monarch’s migration cycle between Mexico to ...
Butler Innovative Farm Forum
own home. Tune in every Thursday from March 4th to April 1st for topics on everything from high ...
OSU Extension Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force Update
people to have difficult conversations at all levels: employees, offices, communities Identify shared ...
Southern Ohio Farm Show
The Southern Ohio Farm Show is a partnership between Gigi Neal, James Morris, and Brooke Beam who ...
Interest Income 1099-INT Forms
FISCAL STEWARDS/LEVEL 1 APPROVERS: Email a copy of your Interest Income "1099-INT" ...
FABE Faculty Recognized with 2018 CFAES Innovator of the Year Awards
Columbus. He was selected for his research on developing creative High Pressure Based Clean Process ... challenges through the development of high pressure based food manufacture technological solutions. High ... pressure involves exposing food to very high pressures (87,000 pounds per square inch) with or without heat ...
OSU Extension Apparel Purchase Opportunity
spot are: your county name; Dayton Adventure Central; program area name (if you are a state-level ... you are a state-level employee of the unit); or Master Gardener Volunteer. Unfortunately, adding team ...
Award Winners for Community Development Educational Programs
Technology Award for her work with the Scholastic High School Drone Racing League Program. Brooke and Meghan ...
Strategic Alignment Activities and Opportunities for Engagement
a liaison between Extension internal partners and the office of the associate dean and director, OSU ...