
Search results

  1. Communiqué March 19, 2014

    community-level efforts to promote positive health behaviors among young people. I coordinate the Ohio Farm to ... interventions across multiple individual, interpersonal, and organizational levels. This year, I will oversee ... resources on the following topics: Farm to School updates at a state, regional and national level Purchasing ...

  2. Ohio Youth Institute

    participating high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve ...

  3. The Ohio Youth Institute

    high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve key ...

  4. Ugandan Plant Breeder Recognized as CFAES International Alumni Award Winner for 2016

    commitment to improve levels of food security by helping to increase levels of agricultural production in ...

  5. Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease

    cultivars are highly resistant to rice blast populations in Africa. These cultivars were further screened in ... major resistance genes and highly resistant cultivars is knowledge that can now be immediately used by ...

  6. Communiqué February 4, 2015

    generation to enter the workforce? These younger employees are technologically wired, highly educated and ... eager to make a difference in their workplace. This highly interactive workshop is filled with ... information that you can apply immediately in your organization. Millennials were born between 1980-2000; and ...

  7. County Combination Feedback Request: OSU Extension Employees

    a table with county-level data to assist as background info while you are reviewing and determining ...

  8. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

    higher level leadership positions within organizations.  • Professionals who are facing communication ...

  9. A Day in the Woods- 2nd Friday Series

    County Soil and Water Conservation District, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, National ...

  10. Communiqué April 12, 2011

    (CD). This will strengthen the connection between department and field. Faculty will have high clientele ... the state and local level via creative arrangements with existing and new funding partners. Some key ... participation, teaching, applied research. Educators and field specialists will work in groups/high ...
