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  1. Ohio Maple Days on tap January 18-20

    Ohio Maple Producers Association; free testing of hydrometers, refractometers and Vermont Temporary ...

  2. Soybean rust never sleeps … so team of scientists stands guard against it

    learned and done, including identifying management strategies, working to test and register fungicides for ...

  3. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Series

    goal has been to determine the yield limiting factors that prevent producers from achieving high ...

  4. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    to kill harmful bacteria, the process requires a high-pressure treatment, Jimenez-Flores said. He is ... working on a proposal to investigate high-pressure homogenization as well. While the research is ...

  5. Summer Weed ID Class

    it snaps off. But if you pull it, you disrupt the soil and let even more of them grow,” he said. How ...

  6. Gardeners: This Class Can Help Win Your War on Weeds

    it snaps off. But if you pull it, you disrupt the soil and let even more of them grow,” he said. How ...

  7. OSU College Bowl Team Wins Midwest Competition

    IFTSA College Bowl Competition has tested the knowledge of student teams from across the United States ...

  8. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    Department of Entomology. She’s studying integrated pest management of grapes and muck soil vegetables. She ...

  9. AGSYSMT 4580- Precision Agriculture

    Global Positioning System (GPS), guidance systems, plant and soil sensors, soil sampling, yield mapping ...

  10. Food security? ‘We have to have water security first or there is no food’

    Carolina State University soil science professor, who spoke on “Can We Protect Water Quality? The ...
