
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Take study findings with a grain of salt (for 8/7/11)

    between low sodium levels and higher cardiovascular risk was based on that single, baseline urine test ... July 29, 2011 I heard about a study that questioned the link between sodium and high blood ... Association. The researchers tested urine samples of nearly 3,700 participants to measure sodium levels, then ...

  2. Farm Bill Could Help Farmers Weather Low Milk, Other Commodity Prices

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dairy farmers have a stronger safety net against low milk prices and high feed ... farmers will pay lower premiums for a federal program that provides them payments when the margin between ... milk prices and feed costs dips below a certain level set by the government. The top level of coverage ...

  3. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    phosphorus field requires soil test results, and those aren’t public information; they’re often kept only ... than their crops can use. Called “elevated phosphorus fields,” such fields may be at higher risk of ... hopes to learn about those fields and lower that risk by creating new public-private partnerships. Led ...

  4. Chow Line: Treat agave nectar as an added sugar (for 4/10/11)

    quickly raise blood sugar to high levels ("high-glycemic" foods) also provoke the release of ... high levels of insulin, because insulin is needed to get sugar from the bloodstream and into cells ... where it can be used for energy. Chronically high levels of insulin release are associated with insulin ...

  5. Look to Soil Tests, Not Yields When Making Fertilizer Applications

    and your soil tests are hovering at or below critical levels. This year just means that with the ... a savings. For those whose soil tests are close to critical levels, don't assume you can get away with ... Specialists recommend that growers supplement potassium or phosphorus when soil tests show low levels. When ...

  6. Dig into soil health at Feb. 14 workshop

    on how to test your soil. “Soil testing provides a window into the soil, revealing if a plant is ... Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences  (CFAES). The workshop, called “Digging Into Soil Health: What Tests ... CFAES’  Soil Balancing Research Team, who plan to share details on testing the soil and on ways to improve ...

  7. Emilee Drerup

    Ecology ’s Department of Human Sciences. The Public Health AmeriCorps program is a collaboration  between ...

  8. Growers to See Changes in Nitrogen Application Recommendations

    use the high side of the rate range. If they are more willing to accept risk, they can use a lower ... system assumes the soil is a blank medium and devoid of natural nitrogen. We know that's not ... said Robert Mullen, an Ohio State University soil scientist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...


    course.  The cost of the course is $50.  To register for the course click here  ( ... After completing this course, participants will be able to: Assess food safety risks and conduct risk ...

  10. Soil health at risk on fallow fields

    risks to next year’s crops, soil experts from The Ohio State University warn. If wind or rain carry away ... fallow this year if a soil test indicates the soil is low in phosphorus, he said. Across Ohio, 1.5 ... a soil fertility specialist with Ohio State University Extension, the outreach arm of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...
