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Faces of Ohio 4-H — Brian Mills
Mills. “It was really great to be recognized at the state level for all my hard work.” “Outside of ...
Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors
plants can occur at temperatures below 46 F. Colder soil temperatures also result in more calendar days ... needed for emergence as early-season emergence is controlled by soil-accumulated growing degree days ... consider planting as soon as soil temperatures are predicted to remain at or above 46 F. Also, consider ...
Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly in Grape Production
grape yield. High densities of spotted lanternfly (>50 SLF per vine) result in reduced clusters per ... experiencing high traffic should be carefully monitored for the presence of SLF. Vineyards near transportation ... corridors and/or areas with a large proportion of SLF host plants may be at a higher risk for SLF ...
Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis
considered a statewide risk, though abundance may vary greatly across different habitats. Life Cycle, ... with high leaf-litter coverage, but may also include your own backyard, especially shaded areas of ... Lyme Disease, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— ...
Cloverbud Insights
to learn) it must be carried out at the age appropriate level of the Cloverbud children. If ... level of the group of children. Five year olds need more guidance and assistance with the activities in ...
2023 Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri (PDF)
soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...
2023 Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri
soybeans, and herbicide programs for non-GMO soybeans. An index to all tables regarding herbicides is listed ...
Pigweed Identification Guide
distributed hair on the stem and a more highly branched flower. Pigweed species inhabit agronomic crop fields, ... are between 2 and 3 inches in height, and many herbicide labels require control by 4–6 inches in ... distinguishing between these species (Figures 1 and 2). Reproductive Stages and Life Cycles Reproductive ...
Cloverbud Leaders
having high quality volunteers to work with this young audience. The organization would be irresponsible ...
recommended potassium levels may be influential in glucose control and the risk of diabetes. Potassium ... indicates increasing potassium creates a protective effect against hypertension (high blood pressure). The ... muscles contract—including your heart—and helps with nerve function. Consuming a high potassium diet has ...